Wednesday, November 3, 2010


I've been looking for some sort of charity to get involved with since I'll now have the time to participate... even if it only means, donating cupcakes to an event. And -- then, this fell into my lap while I was listening to the radio this morning. HEROES AGAINST CHILDHOOD CANCER -- check it out. Do it, now. You can follow them on Twitter, and FB as well.
I'm definatly going to try and get in touch with them before their next event (which PS: is Sunday) and hopefully donate some BABYCAKES. But, somehow -- that just didn't seem like enough to me. I started thinking... If I could power fund raise (yes, I just made that term up)... if I could, and possibly raise enough money in the next few days... I might just shave my head. What's wearing a wig for a few months, if it helps sick children?!
I immediatly thought about our two children, and if anything were to happen to them, if they were to get sick, in a way which rendered us powerless... well.. let's just say, I sobbed my way through that website. The empathy that I have for those parents, and children alike... it's almost painful. And, it made me want to immediatly get involved.

I'm def going to look into this, and focus some energy on being an active participant -- be it donating BABYCAKES, shaving my head, or simply volunteering with HACC.
Although, I can promise you -- my kids would LOVE to watch me get my head shaved! :)

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